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Guitar Tabs Notation

This document describes the notation used for guitar tabs in My Guitar Tabs.

Muted String

A string is plucked whilst being muted. It is represented with an "X" instead of a number:

Muted String

You can add it by pressing "x" in your computer keyboard or the "X" button on the Virtual Keyboard.

Guitar Techniques

You can add the following markings to the tablature to describe common guitar techniques. All of these can be found on the Markings Keyboard:

markings keyboard

The most common are also available as shortcuts in the Marking Shortcuts Bar:

Marking Shortcuts Bar


To play a hammer-on, strike the first (lower) note with one finger, then sound the second (higher) note with another finger on the same string without picking it.

To notate a hammer-on, use an arc over two notes on the same string, with the second being a higher note.


In My Guitar Tabs, you can add a hammer-on by pressing the hammer-on marking button from the Markings Keyboard, the Markings Shortcuts Bar, or the Markings suggestions.


To play a pull-off, place both fingers on the notes. Strike the first (higher) note, then pull your finger off to sound the second (lower) note without picking it again.

To notate a pull-off, use the same arc as a hammer-on, but with the first note being higher than the second.


In My Guitar Tabs, you can add a pull-off by pressing the pull-on marking button from the Markings Keyboard, the Markings Shortcuts Bar, or the Markings suggestions.


To play a slide, strike the first note and slide your finger to the second note.

To notate a slide, use an inclined line connecting the two notes. The direction of the line indicates the slide direction: up (from a lower to a higher note) or down (from a higher to a lower note).



In My Guitar Tabs, you can add a slide by pressing the slide marking button from the Markings Keyboard, the Markings Shortcuts Bar, or the Markings suggestions. The app will automatically add the appropriate inclination based on the adjacent notes.


To play a vibrato, rapidly bend and release the note to create a vibrating effect on the string.

To notate a vibrato, use a wavy line above the tablature.


In My Guitar Tabs, you can add a vibrato by pressing the vibrato marking button from the Markings Keyboard, the Markings Shortcuts Bar, or the Markings suggestions. Vibrato can also be applied in one go to a whole Range Selection.


To play a bend, push the string upward or downward to raise the pitch of the note.

To notate a bend, use an arrow with a number to indicate the bend’s interval: a quarter step (1/4), half step (1/2), or a full step (1).


To notate a pre-bend, use a straight line to show the string is bent before it is struck.


To notate a bend release, use a downward arrow to show the string is released back to its original pitch.


Bending and release markings can be combined through different notes:


In My Guitar Tabs, you can add bending by pressing the bend and bend down buttons from the Markings Keyboard, the Markings Shortcuts Bar, or the Markings suggestions. Additionally, the pre-pend button can be found at the Markings Keyboard. You can adjust the bend interval by pressing the bend marking button repeatedly.


There are different markings for bars that can be added to a tab. These are available on the bar buttons of the markings menu:

Bars menu

Bar line

A vertical line denoting the end of a bar:


Double Bar

A vertical double line to denote the end of a section:

Double Bar

Repeat Bar Lines

Marks a section to be repeated, like a catchy melody. It is represented as a Double Bar with 2 dots:

Repeat Bar


A Double Bar marking the ending on the song, it is automatically added to your tabs after you finish editing:

End Bar


These markings denote how to pluck the strings (up or down).


Denotes a stroke down.



Denotes a stroke up.
