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Share Songs

You can easily share your tabs with others. Here's how:

  1. Click the Share button. This will make your song public. Share Button

  2. A modal will appear with the sharing link. This link can be sent to anyone, even those without an account in My Guitar Tabs.


    If you delete the shared song or make it private, the link will stop working.

    Share Modal

  3. People with this link will be able to view and copy your song, but not edit it.


Make sure you have the right to share the Guitar Tabs and only share it with people you know. People with access to your song will be able to see your email address.

Make a Song Private

If a song is shared, you can make it private again by selecting Private song in the share modal.

Share Private


If a shared song is set to private, the link will stop working. Users who have copied the song will still have access to their copies of the song.

Copy Shared Song

When accessing a song shared with you, you can view the content, but editing capabilities will be restricted. To make changes, copy the song to your account by clicking Copy to my notebook.

Copy to Notebook

Once you copy the song, you can modify your own version, which is private and won't be accessible by anyone unless you share it. Note that changes made to the original song will not be reflected in your version.


To copy a song, you must have an account in My Guitar Tabs.